Economic Development


What is Economic Development? Economic development identifies the quality of life the economic well-being of a country, state or local community.  Other names often used for economic development are Industrialization, Modernization or westernization.

One of the most promising definition was given by Prof. Amartya Sen. In his definition he said that Economic development  is all about to create  freedom for people and to remove all obstacles to achieve greater freedom. This Greater freedom enables people to choose their own destiny.

Thus economic development is the focus of central, state, and local governments to improve standard of living of the people by creating jobs opportunity, promote innovation, start-ups and new ideas, the creation of higher wealth, in order to create better quality and improving standard of life.

Three main areas of economic development are:

  1. Governments planning, policies and strategies to achieve big economic objectives like economic development and job creation.
  2. Focus on infrastructure development like construction of highways, community services like park, hospitals, schools, colleges, public libraries crime prevention initiatives etc.
  3. Retention, extension and diversification of business and industry through workforce development and to improve their skills and education.
  4. Development of small scale industries and to promote innovations and start-ups.

Thus economic development is the process of the creation of wealth in which community are benefited.


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