Online Teaching Learning Examining


With the start of this century the term e-learning also referred as online teaching and learning has been coined. Soon it became a popular way to reach individual at remote location. The medium for this teaching learning process is completely based on internet facility. The annual average growth in number of students from year 2001to year 2004 was 24% and it is still continuing. Most of the school, college and universities agreed that online education is critical in longer term but after this pandemic (Covid-19) it became as only option for continuing the process of teaching learning. It also added the assessment of students into teaching and learning. The best thing about this is the flexibility in every aspect like timing, pace, mobility etc. Several course management tools came into picture for continued assessment through assignment, quizzes, test etc and competition turned into open source tools availability.

Variety of communication platform also came in existence to handle connectivity issues and offline learning. Initially the tools very having the capability of audio communication but later added feature and video, chat, screen sharing, security, white board etc. The advantages are many but disadvantages are also their like less responsiveness of participants, excuse of connectivity, annotations, continuous monitoring, cheating during examination, that is only possible in physical mode. It has been also observed that behaviour of students is changing and group activity and participation is getting lesser. The monotonous one sided teaching is only taking place and learning is effective cant not be assured. Being the only possible option in current scenario it continues to be used but it can never substitute the actual class room teaching learning. The effectiveness of class room teaching learning is maximum because of discussion, involvement, participation is bounded by the teacher is appropriate manner to achieve the ultimate goal.




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