In Positive psychology we adopt the saying be careful what you think, because your thoughts become your words; be careful what you say, because your words become your actions; be careful what you do, because your actions become your habits; your habits determine your character and that is what determines your prospects.

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living” (Peterson; 2008).

Positive psychology helps to make the normal life more enjoyable and focuses on peoples strengths and asks what is going fine in their lives.

Positive Psychology focuses on three positive influences in life—

1.      Positive experiences (like inspiration, love, happiness, joy,).

2.      Positive states and traits (like resilience, compassion, gratitude,).

3.      Positive institutions (applying positive principles within entire organizations and institution).

The five facets of well-being in line with Martin Seligman: The PERMA Model-

  • P-Positive Emotions ( feeling good)
  • E-Engagement ( finding flow)
  • R-Relationships(Positive-authentic connections): Having deep rooted and                purposeful relationships with others  is the essence of  our well-being;
  • M-Meaning (purposeful existence): discovering the meaning of our life.
  • A-Achievement( a sense of accomplishment)

We all are in pursuit of happiness nowadays and Seligman’s PERMA model helps us to understand these elements and guides us to reach a life full of happiness and well-being. All we need to do is to augment our own sense of real happiness and well-being by —

  • Practicing /feeling   more positive emotions; being  optimistic, feeling good, doing   things that make us   feel  happy, and fetching  gratification in our every day practice);always adopt a positive perspective in life.
  • Working  on getting  our self  engaged;( engaging   in things that gives us fulfillment and make us feel happy—like  fascinating hobbies , boosting  our skills, or  looking  for a job more fitting to our passions, if required);

·         Getting more  better with  the quality of our relationships with others;( focus and build a  more positive and compassionate relationship  with your friends, family, and important other(s) ;finding  ways to connect);

  • Looking  for meaning and leading  a life of purpose ;( like volunteering for a greater cause; raising children or expressing our self creatively; or acting as a mentor for others);
  • Focusing on achieving our goals—(a sense of accomplishment)-make realistic goals that can be achieved by putting in good efforts. It will give a sense of fulfillment and pride in you .Accomplishments in life helps us to thrive and flourish. 

The above aspects are measurable, and crucial for an overall sense of well-being.

Significant outcomes of practicing positive psychological outlook: - some ideas for improving our own quality of life----

·         Wealth is not the gateway to happiness, understanding this will make you happier.

·         Money spent on experiences provides a bigger boost to happiness than spending money on material possession.

·         Gratitude makes us happier. Cultivate gratitude.

·         Our overall well-being is enhanced by trust, empathy, and morality in humans.

·         Positive mood make us feel happier.

·         To be happy, have and be with happy friends. Because happiness is contagious.

·         To boost your wellbeing perform acts of kindness towards others.

·         Well-being and life satisfaction is improved while volunteering time to a cause we believe in. May reduce signs of depression.

Practicing positive psychological attitude can also bring improvements in the workplace—

1.      Positive emotions can enhance our performance.

2.      Positive emotions in workplace are contagious, it can have a ripple effect that extends through the whole organization;

3.      Small and straightforward actions will have a large impact on our happiness.


Happiness alone can probably not impel you towards flourishing, however, well-being can.


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