Lead To Success

 Success is one thing we all desire for and want in our life. Definition of success is still not clear, different people have different perspective. In every domain of life we want to get success. Let it be any domain or any perspective success is based on few parameters which are constant and they require your attention. It is truly said

 “Success is not destination it’s a journey where we make our destinations” 

First parameter to be successful in life is PASSION. Success is directly proportional to the passion you have for your work. Your passion gives you energy and power to put efforts for your success. These days we forget our passion and become robots towards our profession. If you want to become successful in life always practice your passion at least for 10-15 minutes a day. Lucky are those who pursue their passion as profession. But we can always live our passion as a hobby which will add happy hormones in our body. Analyze your passion today, go back to your childhood and see what was your most favorite thing to do, list down the name of people you like or follow, see what are the things or actions which make you happy and STAR PRACTICING YOUR PASSION. 

Second parameter to be successful in any domain of life is set of few habits which will make you success ready 

- Be proactive in attitude: power of pro-activeness makes us good initiator in every domain of life. If you really desire for success. Being proactive helps you to take first step towards your success.

 - Be result oriented: whenever we choose to do any task, must think about the result – the outcome of that action. It will help you to take right actions in right direction.

 - Prioritize: we always have time but we live with excuses. Success comes when we prioritize our time with work. We must differentiate between important, urgent, when we prioritize we make difference between work / things which are important to our life and which are urgent. So we take our actions in systematic way.

 - Assertive thinking: success comes when we think on our growth and improvement, assertive thinking states that work on your own self by being neutral. Shift your focus on your growth rather in defeating others.

 - See both sides of the coin: you must know pros and cons of your actions and decisions. When you are able to see your benefits and losses you will eventually take right action in right direction. 

- Bridge the gap: there is always a gap between our desires of success and our actions. successful people always bridge the gap by taking right actions with best efforts

 - Be skilled: success comes with right skills, always work on honing your skills towards your need. Explore your areas of improvement. 

By being passionate and by following these pointers in your actions eventually let it be any domain of your life, success is achievable. Remember success is a journey of different destinations.


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