In the present scenario where COVID 19 cases are increasing day by day, health and fitness of individuals have become a matter of huge concern. Maximum persons of the present generation used to be regular gym goers before the onset of COVID outbreak. But, since the outbreak, gyms and fitness centres were closed and people were confined to their household only. Gym addicted persons were highly affected due to this as they did not get the ambience of gym at their homes. In this juncture, they used some fitness related applications like Cure Fit, Cult, etc. which are actually of huge use. Some people stopped exercising altogether and adhered themselves to naturopathy by taking some leaf, root and stem extracts and drinking it in boiled manner. Now, gym has opened with social distancing and other norms in practice but many people are not finding it safe to visit the gym and people are getting affected mentally due to this abnormal situation. Some gyms have instructed their trainers to upload work out sessions in their You Tube channel, but still the ambience remains an important factor. So, one should find out the safety measures in a nearby gym, maintain social distancing and other norms and do everything with proper precautions. Then, it will not be an issue and people won’t get affected with the virus.


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