COVID-19 and Blood Type


Any new information about Corona is welcome to be made public. As more and more research is being done, people are becoming more and more aware. Two good researches have also emerged on the relationship of blood group versus corona. The first new research published in the journal Blood Advances shows that people with blood group 'O' are more protected from the risk of covid than any other blood group. . If someone from the 'O' group gets corona, there is little chance of reaching a critical condition.

In the first study, researchers compared covid screening data of 4,73,000 people from the Danish Health Registry to 2.2 million people in the general population. Those with the 'O' group were found to be the lowest in covid positive, while those in the 'A', 'B' and 'AB' groups were the highest among the infected. There is not much difference between the 'A', 'B' and 'AB' groups of people being feared infected. Blood group data differs among different ethnic groups, so researchers have come to the conclusion with this in mind to understand the difference of blood group-based risk among a wider population. However, the results of other research in Canada are slightly different. In this research also people of 'O' group have been found to be safer, but at the same time, people of 'B' group are also kept in safe category. According to both research, the greater danger is seen on 'A' and 'AB'. After examining data from 95 patients hospitalized seriously sick with covid-19 in Vancouver, it was found that people in the 'A' and 'AB' groups are in greater need of ICUs and ventilators. Also, they are having more effect on lungs and kidneys.

There is a need to work more on the difference that is seen in these two research. In particular, the 'B' group should be examined specifically. The difference between the research done in Denmark and Canada is possible, if the research is done in a third or fourth country, then the results may be different. If Corona really has a special relationship with the blood group, it should be confirmed unquestionably. In the absence of a firm or consistent result, we should not reach any conclusion soon. People in the 'O' or 'B' blood group should not be convinced. Research has only stated that the risk on people of both these blood groups is relatively low. It is not that people of B or O group are not dying from corona. The results that have just come, they should be told early, so most scientists are still silent on this and are telling the need for further research, so no surprise. From the beginning of the corona, scientists doing blood group based research should be encouraged. Especially, in a diverse and densely populated country like India, such studies are more needed. It will be useful to do research by taking detailed data of people who have died so far due to corona, so that it can be clearly known whether corona has any direct or sinuous relationship with blood.


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