Things we can change in Indian Education System

“Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Lives Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid” – Sir Einstein


  • Quit Focusing On Marks 

Not all things are about numbers. Instead of focusing on what scores the learner is scoring the emphasis should be on how much the learner has understood the topics taught and how he/she would practically implement the same. 


  • Course readings And Nothing Else? 

Apart from just pressuring the learner to go through the stipulated contents of the curriculum, efforts should also be made by the educators to add an extra mile by delivering the content in different ways like case based studies, presentations, role plays mock interviews etc will all this enhance the learner’s imagination and practical skills.


  • Educators 

An educator plays a very significant role in the learner’s life. Educators are often said to be ‘second moms’ as they shape lives and ethics. 


  • Sex Education 

One of the most concerning issue, which I feel that with this training framework is that, proper sex education has to be given in Indian understudies. For the young generation who are growing up, encountering all these new sentiments and with all the hormonal changes they face, focus and education for this aspect should be made as a part of the curriculum. Children should be educated in  legitimate and proper direction which will answer all their queries ending their curiosity witha positive thinking in this regard which as a result will also help in reducing the sexual harassment and social abuse  in our country. 





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