Online Teaching Learning Process during Lockdown

 The reason for spreading the corona epidemic, no matter the country or society, but the entire world is facing its great loss. The life running like a wheel was stuck in this lock-down so that the economy of the whole world came to a standstill. Along with this, the wheel of development had stopped all over the world. The only thing that was going on continuously in that lockdown time was teaching, which was the moral duty of the teacher. It was, and this work was going on effectively. But in this lockdown, parents were also reluctant to pay fees to their children's school. They said when the schools are closed, why are the fees? Now the school had to pay its teachers on time while fulfilling its moral obligation. Now let's talk about the teacher, the teacher is also an integral part of the same society in which every person needs money to make a living for themselves and family, Here most of the work stops without any money. Now there was only one purpose of the school authority that schools are closed during the lockdown and if the teacherteaches the students online, then the student had to pay the fees. A solution was founded by the school administration that there should be no loss of children's studies, and parents would pay their children's fees, and the salary of the teacher could be given on time. In society, everyone is connected with others. On the instructions of the school authority, teachers had started teaching their students online while discharging their duties. After this, even in this lock-down and recession, they (teachers) were completely adamant on their teaching work. Accordingly, teachers and students were told different types of software through which they could take their online classes. Among that software were - Zoom, Google meet, GoToMeeting, WebEx meet etc. Then the school authority instructed the Principal to make a different time table for all the teachers. Following that schedule obtained by the School Principal, the teachers insisted to teach their subject to all the students online with the help of this software. Some physical items were required for the teacher to teach and for the students to read - mobile or laptop, and the internet which was not available to everyone. But the teaching-learning process was to continue, so all the teachers, students gathered all the resources according to their source and online class started. In the beginning, it was all new for teachers and students but gradually got used to the online teaching-learning process. Many problems were encountered in the online class if the students were asked to stop the video and voice from their side, and then there was doubt whether the student would be sitting during the whole lecture. And by not doing so, the connectivity of the internet weakens. There were problems on both sides. Even after repeated efforts, during online class some students got a complete understanding of the subject, some did not come and some of them had misconception in the topic. Gradually, many students stopped taking interest in online studies. However, this is rarely seen in ordinary classroom teaching in schools. There was also a fear of loss of eyesight, physical and mental damage due to excessive use of computer laptops. This lockdown ran in several stages (1, 2, 3, ..... ) and the online teaching-learning process continued only.  Due to the concern of corona and end-term exam on parents and students, the effect of mental pressure on them continued to be seen. The school administration - has been continuously appealing to the parents in the society that they can fulfill their social obligations by depositing the fees of their children and free them from the debt of the Guru. Taking classes online, teachers and students are still living in an atmosphere of fear.


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