Education and Social Change


Meaning of Social Change: Social change is a term used to describe variation in or modification of any aspects of social process, social interactions and social organizations. Social changes are uniform, gradual and progressive. Social changes are related to changes in social aims and aspirations of the individual. Some of the causes of resistance to social change are:

·         Cultural inertia

·         Rigid mindset

·         Vested interest of a group of people

·         High degree of isolation

·         Forced imposition of a new culture

·         Cultural lags

Relationship between Education and Social Change: Social changes are necessary for all types of progress and development and the factors resisting to social change can be controlled or modified only by education. Social changes also widens he scope and credibility of education physically as well as ideologically.

·         Education prepares the ground for social changes: Educational aims are formulated keeping in view the needs and demands of the society. Thus, bringing social changes are necessarily integrated to aims of education.

·         Education makes the resistance to social changes passive and dormant: different forms of resistance factors can be made inactive or powerless by education. Unscientific beliefs and irrational attitudes of the people towards customs and traditions can be changed by proper education. Mindset of the people can also be changed to accept new ideas and objects for the ease of human life.

·         Education evaluates the social change and removes its undesirable elements: People attached to the process of education evaluate all social changes by analyzing their merits and demerits. Thus, education lays down the criteria and norms of values and ideals in the context of which social changes are evaluated.

·         Social change determines the nature and functions of education: Social change brings about changes in the style of living of the people also along with changes in their attitude. As a result, direction and functions of education also change. When culture changes, nature and pattern of education also changes to adapt to the changing needs and demands.


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