Different Facets of impact on Jobs and Economy by Pandemic


The impact of pandemic across the globe and spectrum of life will take few years to explore and analyze. Few define it, as a recession 2.0 and few relate it with the century old plague, but it has more dimensions to it and still all are stumped and try to analyze the way we know. It requires different scales/tapes which were not even thought before and will take years to come to make.

First and foremost it has slowed the wheel of economy with a big thrust. The power and scale of this pause was never seen or expected. It just not lead to the loss of jobs, but also impacted the sole income of families with no other options to survive due to strictness of lockdown. Also, most of the migrant families which run on day to day income and without any options to reach their villages/towns were left on mercy of neighbors/government which was next to impossible due to lack of infrastructure and high corruptions. The need of social security was felt at its extreme as it could have provided trust to survive on monetary support by government.

It won’t be right to just blame the government as it should be the responsibility of each and every one of us to plan and save for in-different times. The time to come could be worse, so it should be treated as a learning curve for contact-less nation theory in the era of drone/robot/digital platforms and many more. It’s time for experiment and make the country tech friendly. The digital platforms need to be added for more and more services and going online in the era of working couple(s) and nuclear family looks like a mandatory need.

In the field of sports and entertainment it was no different. It added to the woes of the people as they could not think a way to spend the luxury time due to the restriction on travel and postponement of sports/events. It leads to surge in the demand for app-based entertainment and movies are getting released in your bedroomhas become a new normal.

The center of point in all these events were the government hospitals where the infrastructure was at a very low level to provide even the basic services for such an un-expected pandemic and to such a number. But also, it has given big boost to local industry to innovate and fill the gap without the help from outer world. It forced us in a way to be self-dependent due to lack of maids/helper and other services.

The record viewership of the mythological shows like Ramayana and Mahabharata was just not nostalgic for many but will be remembered for years to come when the entire generation staying at home watches the great history and greatest mythology of human’s life together. It has definitely lead to many ways in which we all can save money and time using the forced or creative ideas generated during the difficult time. We are still at the same stage but just hope better ways tohandle,gives a ray of light for darkest phase of human race.Returning to the old days till will take good time as it seems till then just enjoy the ‘new normal’.


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