The shutdown of all educational institutes due to the rapid spread of corona virus in the country has impacted the entire education sector in India, When the entire world stopped due to covid 19, teachers stood and made sure that learning must go on, and the complete education system adopted Digital way, on line teaching,virtual classes  through various apps like Meet ,Zoom etc,so that students should not suffer academically .

 COVID-19 pandemic and its resultant impact on our lives have increased or raised the need to adopt innovative ways of getting education services at all levels. so it was a shift from  thinking digital to being digital .

Needless to say, that pandemic has totally transformed the centuries-old, chalk–talk teaching model or traditional way of teaching to one driven by technology. This new learning is more interesting, personalized and enjoyable .full of challenges. We all know that virtual platform of classroom teaching is not as convenient as classroom teaching, but then also it is very effective way, It is very innovative and making learning creative and interesting

Virtual or online learning provides various channels to such as mail, online chat and video conferences, through which students and instructors can interact with each other. Various innovative experiments can be done with teaching methodology, In the classroom, there is only one channel to communicate with each other.. Virtual learning is opted these days due to the shutdown of schools and institutions. It is beneficial to an extent it improve self discipline, it provide more comfort learning environment ,flexible, cost cutting ,easier access to teaching  etc

Online teaching is a good platform but. It required  good internet connection and an interface, but not every student can afford  student those who are living in rural areas find poor net connectivity ,every student is not so financially strong to buy the  smart phone. Moreover, the blue screen of these gadgets  affect  the mental and physical health of students. The drawback of on line teaching is  that a teacher cannot monitor the body language of the students and ensure their focus.  Students donot take on line classes seriously . Many of the things a student learn through observation that helps in his socialization .that is missing in online classes

If compared, classroom learning is much  better than virtual learning because the latter involves many technical problems. In classroom teaching  the teacher can  monitor the activities of student  ,make teaching more interesting through practical ,many a time student learn the things while conducting group activity and simple by observing classmates.

Classroom learning is better than virtual learning as it is more effective and engaging. to the students The classroom setup or environment provides students a platform to engage themselves in group discussions and boost their overall self confidence. It also helps them establish a  bond o rapport with teachers. Classroom teaching builds up a deep understanding of student behavior and if needed teacher can mentor the student and help to  overcome  the situation .

Conclusion   On line teaching is suitable for the time of pandemic but it cannot  be a replacement of the classroom teaching



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