Preparing for future in Pandemic


Si vis pacem, para bellum

This quote from the book “Epitoma Rei Militari” by a Roman General Vegetius means “If you want peace prepare for war”. These are golden for us to have a peaceful future and win the war against COVID19.

Before the fall of Roman Empire, Vegetius noticed that the quality of its army had begun to deteriorate. He noticed that due to long period of peace, army was idle and had stopped wearing protective armour. This made the army-men vulnerable to enemy weapons and lowered their morale to face the enemy in a battle.

Just like Romans, are we also heading towards a down-fall?

Are we preparing ourselves for the upcoming future challenges?

It’s time, we start finding answers to these pinching questions. The war with COVID is going to last much longer than it was expected. The studies say that by March 2021 India will have more than 2.5lakh cases per day. If it is believed to be true, we may not see, a return to normal life soon. This will directly impact the economy negatively, hence leading to a huge number of job cuts in all sectors.

Job placements for class of 2019-20 has not been very satisfactory for students. Organizations have either withdrawn or delayed the job offers for an indefinite period. However, there are many corporates who have decided to honour the offers with and a few without salary cuts.

Hence, it makes it critical to understand and respect the situation and prepare ourselves for the placements in 2020-21.

As per a study, it was found that Organizations are retaining the employees who are not restricting themselves to one role, but, over a period, have developed skill set to handle multiple tasks single-handedly. A large number of employees, who were laid off, didn’t focus on their professional development and restrained the change, when they had time in hand.

In future, it is expected that recruiters would prefer to hire candidates who are multi-skilled and in past have demonstrated their ability to perform under pressure.

Consider this idle time as an opportunity for your overall development. Step out of your comfort zone and explore other areas which complement your current skillset. Take counselling from your seniors (already in job), discuss about various jobs opportunities (other than the core jobs), available with your current knowledge and skillset. Get insights on other prospective roles that a corporate requires. Find out the knowledge and skills required to get placed in such roles and work towards building the capability.

It’s a long battle to fight. Sharpen your weapons, develop yourself and be ready to face the new world COVID has presented to us.


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