Options of some Chinese Applications

For the past few years, a protest was being ignited with respect to the Chinese goods and technologies. And it is very true now that Chinese manufacturing companies have started making most of the products that we, Indian use in our daily life whether it may be Diwali lightening and Ganesh idol or road construction to big products to the telecom industry. Due to the low cost, it has been rapidly hollowing out our industries. In India most of the manufacturing units are going to be shut down in future if these practices shall be going on. There can be many reasons behind the poor condition of our industries, which needs to be discussed in detail.

But the recent Galvan Valley clash has sharpened this protest. And a new chapter of Chinese opposition is being written in the country. Now the government is also discouraging Chinese products indirectly in many ways under WTO rule. In this order, a decision has been made in recent days in which 59 Chinese applications have been banned from operating in India. Today, in this article, I will give some of their options for these banned apps that are very essential in daily life and office work. Some of them are as follows;

A. doc scanner: China has a very popular app but now it is banned in India so as an alternative you can see the options given below.

       adobe scan,

       Microsoft office lens,

       Flash scan (Indian app),

       Notebloc scanner, (it is very similar to Chinese app)

There are so many apps and you can explore them but ensure about its belongings.

B. Screen Recorder:

DU Recorder has now been banned in India, instead you can see the below options;

       InShot: Screen Recorder

       AppSmartz: Screen Recorder

       AZ: screen recorder

C. File Sharing:

The following options given can be used in place of shareit and Xender.

       Files Go,

       JIO switch,

       Send Anywhere

All the above information is based on my personal research done on the internet. I do not claim the information made in them to be completely true. You should install them only after ensuring yourself.



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