During this new situation which whole world is facing today, have given birth to new ways to study for children. Different teaching methods for children have proven to be successful to develop a child’s brain in different forms but now during this pandemic era, we all are approaching towards modern ways of teaching, we are using internet and online mode of teaching for children. They are experiencing new ways which is creating excitement in them. The question raised here is that whether these new emerging methods of teaching is really beneficial for children or is this really damaging the growth of their brains? Many subject teachers have been saying that they are themselves struggling with technology to deliver their classes. However, current generation is way smarter than the old one with respect to technology. Today’s young generation catches and understand the technology way faster than older ones do. Some teachers who are teaching subject science to children have said that it is easier to teach science with use of technology than old school methods of teaching in classroom but unfortunately this could not be said about all subjects which children are studying at their school. Mostly theoretical subjects have turned out to be very boring as they have become merely online lectures. However, it is up to the teacher, how they make their theoretical subjects lectures interesting. They can give assignment to children to watch some movies on topics related to their subjects as no child would want to say no to a movie. What about maths classes? How children are dealing with maths in online classes? As we all know maths is not a walk in the park for most children. Maths is the one which needs continuous attention of a teacher, parents and some times tuition teachers as well. To execute a proper math class online could be a difficult task for a math teacher but as they say no pain no gain. As far as college students are concerned, they were already involved with technology so much that they could hardly notice any difference between now and then. However, to deliver a forty-fifty minutes lecture online using various platforms could be a challenge for teachers as college students are the ones who happens to lose interest very soon. Some studies say that spending so much time online studying different subjects could harm the growth of the brain of the young children. It damages the eye sight of children. Some parents even have consulted psychologists as their children have lost interest in anything in their life due to excessive use of technology. The need of the hour is to create a balance between real life and use of technology in life.


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