Recent technological evolutions, globalization, and anticipated market circumstances have crucial clashes on manufacturing sector. As a result, continuous changes are being made in machine and manufacturing system known as industrial revolution. If we talked about the first revolution, it was around 17th century in which the power of steam engine was used in place of human power. The second revolution took place around 19th century AD as shown in figure 1, in which electrical powered machines were used. That time, Dedicated Manufacturing system (DMS) was being used for mass production .

Fig.1 Development stages of industrial revolution (

Engine, transmission parts, main components of automobiles was produced through dedicated transfer line. In other words, in DMS product variety is less and product volume is very high. As the time of third revolution (e.g. 1960), manufacturing sector was struggling with the challenge of globalization. Then computer and information technology was born. As the market globalization increased, the new manufacturing system changed the face of industries known as Flexible manufacturing system (FMS) where we can use a lot of Computer Numerical Machine (CNC) and other things. All these CNC and NC machines are connected by a computer system. The main components of FMS are work station, material handling, & storage, human resources and computer control system.FMS later on adapted by Ingersoll Rand in Virginia, followed by General Electricals. Germany implemented this manufacturing system in 1969 while Japan and Russia in the 20th century, manufacturing companies faced two problem i.e. unexpected market changer and introduction of new products. So to stay in the global competition, manufacturing companies started making reconfigurations in existing manufacturing system at different levels i.e. machine level, material handling level, layout level, process planning level and so on. By doing this, it was possible to produce new product at a lower cost and also allow for rapid response to market fluctuation. Yoman Koren was the first researcher who had proposed Reconfigurable manufacturing system in 1999. RMS is defined as a system designed for incorporating rapid modification in the capacity and functionality of a manufacturing system by incorporating  both hardware & software  modules that can be rearranged or replaced . The development stages of manufacturing system are shown in figure 2 below.


Fig. 2 development stages of manufacturing system



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