It is being more than 2 months; we are spending our lives under the threat of COVID- 19.  In India, the honorable Prime minister, Mr. Narendra Modi had declared the Lockdown on 23rd March 2020.  When the first case of this pandemic disease was declared, we all were aware it is something really very scary but we were not knowing that it will affect us and the whole world so badly that the nation which is known as super power in the world will also suffer a great loss due to it.  Our country is also untouched from the financial and human loss due to this pandemic disease.  Our economy has also faced a lot of disturbance due to it and it is really going to be very much difficult to be at the level where we were.  For the best fit of survival, our prime minister has well proposed to be self-dependent country and also suggested to become “VOCAL OF LOCAL”.  This mantra is really going to be the sutra of uplifting our Indian Economy.  Even some experts are in the opinion that in coming few months the GDP growth rate may also remain negative and will accelerate at the end of the year with very slow pace. 

India is going to face the lowest GDP growth rate due to it as this pandemic disease hit the following sectors at worst of our Indian economy:

·         Aviation sector

·         Tourism sector

·         Apparel and textile sector

·         Auto mobile sector

·         Real estate sector

On the one hand, this pandemic disease has created the various challenges for these sectors and on the other hand, it has generated new opportunities for some sectors too like:

·         Health care sector

·         Digital sector

·         Chemical sector (for sanitizers)

·         Pharmaceutical sector

This pandemic disease is going be the NEW NORMAL as this is a well-known fact that, in future, we are not going to get rid of this pandemic disease and we have to survive with this only by following some basic simple steps:

·         Wash your hands regularly/ sanitize them

·         Follow social distancing

·         Cover your face with mask

·         Exercise and eat well

·         Say no to unnecessary touring/ travelling

As to bring our economy back on the track of development, today, government has declared the phases of unlock the various activities in Indian economy.  The first phase will be applicable from 1st June to 30th June 2020. 


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