Stop Negative thoughts

Although I am not good at writing something about the philosophy of life as I belong to technical background but in this blog I have tried to put my thoughts about the way we can deal with our negative thoughts.

When someone says that I have a bad memory or some negativity in my thoughts and I really want to get rid of it, the more I try to go away with it, the more it traps me and makes it difficult for me to handle with this, in fact many of us may have felt the same way, as a solution to this problem we make ourselves so busy that we do not even get time to think about them but still it disturbs as a nightmare. So the question comes that how to deal with such a situation. To answer this, in my opinion we should first realize that what are memories?

The memories are nothing but our identity. We know us only if we have memories. Imagine if some day we wake up and realize that we have lost our memories, we would not be able to recognize ourselves. We will not be able to communicate with anyone due to the fact that we would not be able to understand any language of conversation. We will not be having any past or even future. We will not understand the world. We will be like some non living object which cannot understand itself. So the memories are our identity.

There are two different worlds with which we are surrounded, that are the outer world or the physical world and the inner world or our mind. The conditions for the two are entirely different. If someone has actually gone away in the real world, he or she may be with us always in our inner world. This is the case with many of us who have lost their loved ones but they cannot forget them. In fact if we do have all memories whether good or bad, it means that our brain or mind is functioning perfectly. Rather if we have lost memories or not able to sustain the memories for the required time, we take medicines for its better functioning, than do we really want our brain to fall ill by trying to forget our memories, the answer could be ‘yes’. If our mind is capable to store all it has, this is the best thing for a brain.

So what is the problem? The thing is that we should train our mind to be prepared for all types of circumstances of our life. We should make it capable by developing as many memories as possible, not deliberately but yes we should welcome all types of thoughts and situations so what if anything bad has happened or may happen. The God has given enough bandwidth or strength to our brain that sustains so many thoughts, memories, ideas and feeling but we are afraid of them since we want to live a confined life where we should have all good things. We or our mind becomes incapable to deal with all the situations of our life. If we become depresses we think of having some fun as a stress reliever. We go to party, we go for some spiritual shows or relaxing movies, we love to listen to some philosopher and so on… It means the more we feel bad, the more we feel good. We actually take different flavors of life rather than just sticking on the basic and common flavors with which we feel we were comfortable.

So in the last I would suggest that we should enjoy our life at the fullest and it will be having so many things to think about, to act upon that we will learn to deal with all situations. We will not be having any nightmares rather we will come out as a stronger person in the life. We can even inspire others who are around us.



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