Pandemic turns into opportunities

The World is facing novel Corona virus or Covid-19. In this Covid-19 we have listened new words like Lockdown, Quarantine, Social-distancing etc.

We all are almost from two months at our Home due to lockdown. Now the unlock plan has also been implemented by the Governments. The Covid-19 has also raised the opportunities in various sectors, I would like to emphasis two sectors one is touch less technologies and other is online education, however there could be another field such as medical and one of the important path shown by our Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi –Aatma Nirbhar Bharat.

Daily we go to our offices and used different ways of attendance-Thumb impression, RFID cards; bar codes etc.Covid-19 has raised the opportunities to work on Touch less Technology. We have seen temperature scanning machine, earlier we are not able to see or very few are there. Now a day’s almost every Organisation using this technology.

Similarly in the near future we will see that most of the organisations will use touch less technology for taking attendance of their employees. There are a lot of ways such as- Finger scanning without touching the machine, Face scanning, Iris technology and wave movement. However one thing should be taken care while choosing the technology which will be the size of the organisation and expenditure. So, a lot of opportunities will arise in this field. Sooner we will see in our surrounding that attendance could be taken through the camera installed in the organisation, these cameras will connect to the database and recognises the face and mark the attendances as soon as the employee enters in the premises of the Organisation.

In the Lockdown period we have seen that the kids were taking online education. Most of the students were studying online by different ways of online medium whether they are studying through Zoom/Cisco WebEx/Microsoft Team/Google meet or any other medium. Since these were free so most of the School/Colleges adopted these tools however there are dedicated online learning tools such as Blackboard and many more.

Covid-19 provides us opportunity in the field of Online Education. Educational Institute should also think to provide online education to the Countries where there are less Resources/skilled peoples are available. However in India it has been started earlier but the usage of online education has been tremendously seen during Lockdown. This shows us a path that there is a lot of opportunity is there in the field of online education.

Our Government is also planning to start educational channel dedicated for a particular class. So in that case a lot of opportunities will arise in the field of content delivery, since these channels will be for every class and it can increase in the higher education field. Now there are a few Institutes providing online higher education but in the recent years we will see that online education will spread their wings. Now we will see education has changed tremendously with the distinctive rise of e-Learning.


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