Lockdown and it’s impact on our lives !
Lockdown has brought a sudden change in our lives and lifestyles. Let’s broadly divide the lower and middle class into the below categories
1. Fixed income group
2. Daily wager group
3. Small enterprises
The impact on each of these categories has been different but heavy in their own way!
1. Fixed income group includes the normal office goers, house helps and other help staff in societies as well as offices, it’s pertinent to assume that most of these have not yet been affected in monetary aspects yet due to lockdown, yes some are facing impending income reductions which are yet to hit them !
But once it hits them it will be a chain reaction! People with jobs light lose their jobs or get deduction in pay which will result in them being unable to pay for their house helps anymore thereby putting the whole section below them at a risk. We can however agree that this has not yet started !
2. Daily wager group: this is one of the most severely affected group! This category includes labourers delivery staff self employed plumbers electricians etc. Withlockdown they lost their daily work and hence their earnings ! Being totally dependent upon the good Samaritan ship of others for even their subsistence needs! Thanks to the govt authorities and several social groups who are trying their best to keep them nourished. But how long such models can sustain with the dwindling incomes and earning of people around them is a big question!
3. Small enterprises: these are the small but substantial group of people who contribute most in wealth creation for all the above! Small builders contractors companies employ both the above categories hence creating employment and earning opportunities for them, god knows how long they can keep paying salaries with their decimated revenues! With no avenues of production/distribution etc happening it’s going to be very difficult for them to keep paying salaries! Many of small companies do not have reserves for more than a few weeks with loans for building their infrastructure to be paid. It’s a time bomb ticking to burst and once it goes off things would crumble very quickly with a cascading effect.
How we all will end up standing once this quagmire is controlled is a question which is resounding in everyone’s mind while we maintain a normal facade defenestrating worries to a later day!
One thing is sure! We are all in this together and it’s a bumpy ride ahead so buckle up and hold strong!
Very Nice