Impact of Social Media on society's mood during this lockdown

The virtual life of social media is looking better than real these days because there is no risk of coronavirus infection here. But almost everyone's activities are around measures to overcome anxiety arising out of fear of the virus. People have become habituated to get instant relief using social media. However, there was a lot of talk about being disenchanted with social media.

Research suggests that the use of social media increased during times of this pandemic. According to the Cellular Operators Association of India, data consumption has increased by almost 30 percent since the lockdown.

Jane Hancock, a professor at the world-renowned Stanford University's Department of Communication, says the discussions and activities on social media show what our society's mood is and how it is responding to the disaster. This feeling of being connected to society gives relief to the mind. The hashtags are constantly changing here.

Social media has emerged as a powerful tool

In this regard, Dr.Pawan Mishra, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Lucknow University, says that this is the positive aspect of technology that is feeling more at the moment. He also explains how he loves to remember his lunchtime and time spent in class amidst a flood of messages from students on the WhatsApp group. This is an important contribution of social media to society.

Why discomfort and boredom?

It is nice to be connected to social media during the time of the disaster, so it is possible that after some time your mood will change. You suddenly start sinking deeper into its deep well and do not understand why is this discomfort. Why you feel so, in this regard, Professor Madhurima Pradhan of the Department of Psychology of Lucknow University says, it is our habit that we want instant relief. Old things make us bored quickly. But if you are not able to stop yourself before coming in such a situation, then social media can easily take you in its hold. Professor Madhurima also explains how social media is also making people creative in these days of lockdown. She mentions those who are removing fear and nervousness with the help of social media.

You are most important

Social media is not giving you the desired benefits, so it is in your interest to try to stay away from it for some time. In this regard Dr. Roberta Babb says, if you do not understand the positive use of social media, then it is possible that after some time you may feel fear, anger, and fear of missing out. According to Roberta Babb, if you are using social media in a purposeless and restrained manner, it can put you into depression during these difficult days. Remember, you must also make an active effort to avoid this depression. According to Professor Madhurima, nothing is greater than maintaining mental stability. Due to this, you can get the energy to fight this disaster.

A tool to fill the void

Lucknow University Sociologist, Dr.Pawan Mishra said that social media is still a new thing in Indian society compared to Western society. It is a modern tool, which is helping to modernize the bonding of society and its tradition. It is now helping to compensate for the void created by physical distance from each other to avoid corona infection in lockdown. Given the reach and potential of social media, we should make more and more positive use of it.

Make social media an effective weapon

Gritha Krishnan of One World Academy, a meditation expert in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, said that currently 454 crore people are active users of social media i.e. around 59 percent of the global population. If they wish, instead of fear, rumor, anger, hatred, etc., they can communicate the collective unity of human beings towards this fight. Our minds and consciousness are made up of collective unity. The history of mankind i.e. Homo sapiens is about two million years old. We have developed a strong immune defence system against many types of viruses. Scientists Have developed all antibiotics and vaccines. Now technically, they are also being empowered. If they are used positively, then it is possible to face this disaster more strongly.

Do not get scared

Statements like “Corona Virus is very dangerous”, “Nature is now taking her revenge from us”, “Oh this is the holocaust, so now it is difficult to avoid”, etc. can usually be heard these days. Obviously, such things are absolutely frightening. When someone says that it is easy to get out of this crisis by following the instructions given by the government and doctors, then there is relief in this discomfort. Whether you talk at home or on the phone or on social media, every interaction first affects your mind. Psychiatrist Dr.VipulRastogi says you are impressed before the dialogue. If you are aware of this, then you can give relief to the person you are talking to, as well.


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