Feelings of 11 year old girl in this pandemic situation in the form of Story:

It was a night time of a normal day. I was sitting on a chair in my balcony with a deep thought inside my mind that what is happening on this planet. Everyone is dying whether they are rich or poor, across the world. I was in such a deep thought that I cried…. I could feel the tears coming from my eyes towards my cheeks. I could feel the sorrows of people crying in pain. Day-by-day the sight was becoming horrible. I wiped my tears and realized that at last everything would be fine. I went off to my bed. The sun rose and I got to know that it was next day, a new morning….. I woke up and saw the calendar. It was 3025. I was shocked. Thought that it was a dream but when I drew the curtains slowly, I was feeling horrified and what I saw was unbelievable… I saw that outside my window the whole lane was converted into a graveyard having lot of graves of people. I went outside my home worrying and saw that my home was disappeared. There was single road and both the sides were having graves of the people. I was running, running and running …..Over there I saw a small, disorganized and messy house. I went inside and found that there were an old granny and her grandson. They were on knees and screaming in front of me for their lives. They were crying helplessly. I assured that I won’t harm them.  I just wanted to know that what brought them in this situation. She replied that people were locked down at homes but in the last no one followed the lock down. Everyone came out for their livelihood. People came out in groups. The economy of our country was deteriorating. People started to bring back their lives to normal routine. Businessman started trading, architect started making buildings, and people started making money. Everything was becoming normal for people. But the virus was still there, it was not vanished. At that time people were dying at a very high rate. A time came when there was no space to grave people’s dead bodies. Buildings were converted into grave yards. Now the condition of the planet is even worse. There was no food, no water, no plants, no sun or moon due to smog. Only sometimes we were able to feel the sun rays. I and my grandson are waiting for our death. That’s the only hope. We eat soil as food. I don’t know what is happening. She cried…. and I also. I walked out crying and saw that this is the situation across the globe. I went inside my home, saw the gate and woke up breathing heavily and frightened. I thought I saw a dream. I immediately ran towards the calendar. What I saw just blew up my mind. It was 2020.


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