The consumer’s right in Indian perspective

The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 is the prevalent law in India which provides rights to consumer in India. As per the Act, “consumer rights mean the right to have information quality, potency, quantity, purity, price and standard of goods and services.” In furtherance of aims and objectives of the Act some general and special rights have been conferred upon the consumers for the protection of their interest. The Rights are:

RIGHT TO SAFETY: it means that consumer has right to be protected against the marketing of such goods and services that are harmful to life and health.

For example, electrical appliances can cause serious injury if they are manufactured with a substandard products or do not conform to safety norms. Thus, consumer should be educated to use ISI marked electrical appliances. 

RIGHT TO BE INFORMED: a consumer has the right to get true and complete information about the quality, quantity, price, contents, date of manufacturing and expiry etc of the goods and services  which they intend to buy.

For this reason consumer protection act is made compulsory for the business firms to provide such information on the package and label of the product.

RIGHT TO CHOOSE: Consumers have the freedom to choose the product of their choice. It further implies that the supplier is bound to supply a variety of products to the customer and allow the consumers to choose a product from amongst those available. The supplier must offer product in terms of size, prices , etc.

RIGHT TO BE HEARD: According to this right, consumer is allowed to file a complaint and heard if he finds himself exploited or is not satisfied with the goods and services. Many business organizations have set up their own consumer services and grievance cell on the basis of this right.

RIGHT TO SEEK REDRESSAL:  The right to seek redressal is justified for dignified           living because this right provides an opportunity to an dignified to an exploited consumer   to get relief in case a product falls short of his expectations. The right include justice to consumers against exploitation and include compensation for any loss or injury suffered by the consumers, replacement of goods or repair of defects in the goods to their full satisfaction

RIGHT TO CONSUMER RIGHTS EDUCATION: The consumer should have the   knowledge about various rights and relief provided by the legislature to protect the interest. Many campaigns like Jaago Grahak Jaago etc. have been conducted by the governmental bodies and by the privet entities to educate the consumer so that they can be made aware about their rights.

Conclusion:   it can be concluded that there are various rights available to the consumer so that they can seek redressal according to the loss suffered.


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