Indian organizations face inconvenience in Corona emergency

Questions are constantly being raised about the Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) kit. About 63,000 kits from China are of poor quality. Assam has decided not to use 50,000 PPE kits sourced from China until their quality is certified.


The importance of PPE kit can be gauged from the fact that if a doctor or nurse treats a corona patient without wearing it, then there is a higher risk of getting infected. In such a situation it is important to know how and who does this test. The Ministry of National Health and Welfare in the country has authorized SITRA of Coimbatore, ie South India Textile Research Association, besides two of the Ordnance Factory Board in Kanpur, Chennai, Moradabad and Firozabad as well as DRDO's Gwalior Lab to produce the same PPE kit Can checks quality.

 The oldest testing lab among them is SITRA. It has been doing synthetic blood penetrations test for the last five years. This test is being carried out under the ASTM 1670 standard, which ensures that any body fluids, such as blood, etc., cannot penetrate into the fabric at the pressure of 13.8 kilopascals. The fabric for the test is taken from two covers of the cover one part from the main body and the other from pasted or stitched.

When the fabric meets this test, only then will it be able to make a cover all or PPE kit. Testing at SITRA is done under the ASTM 1670 standard. We have designed this machine. When there is no synthetic blood in any fabric, then only it will be able to pass the test. Before Corona, only five to ten samples could be tested every week at SITRA alone, but now 50 to 60 samples are coming for daily testing. This whole process takes one to one and a half hours. The tests of SITRA and OFB have been recognized by the NABL. OFB is making two main parts of this kit, Coverall and Facemask. The kit also has hand globs and N-95 respirators. Cover All is tested in accordance with IS-16546, which is similar to ISO 16603. Tests on surgical facemasks conform to IS-16289.


Like SITRA, the Blood Penetration Test equipment has been made by the Ordnance Manufacturers using all indigenous techniques and accessories. This testing machine is made in India at half the cost. OFB says that soon we can export these testing machines outside as well The special thing is also that OFB had designed these machines in just two weeks during the Corona crisis. Due to the facility of testing in these labs, private companies can also easily make a cover all.OFB always stands with the fighters of their country.


Today our fighters remain medical fraternities. They are fighting the Corona virus in the country. OFB is fully cooperating in their efforts. Making masks, sanitizers and bodysuits. Now we are doing blood penetrations test. With the availability of these facilities, the PPE kit, which is being manufactured nationwide the builder will have a lot of convenience. The samples of his clothes and apparel will be able to be thoroughly tested, certified and he will be able to supply better PPE kits to the entire medical fraternity across the country.

Let me tell you, earlier such PPE kits were sourced from countries like China, and in India it was not required. This kit has been used only during the treatment of HIV and neepa virus spread in Kerala When a sudden outbreak of the Corona epidemic occurred, the PPE kit was initially created using jugaad technology and was also sourced from China. But then, seeing our need, it felt that it would not work. So, SITRA, OFB and DRDO went on to make good PPE kits by testing better quality fabrics.



Today, there is a need of millions of better quality PPE kits in the country for the health workers treating the corona victims. So far, about 100 health workers have been corona positive. There will be good quality PPE kit, only then the doctors treating it will not get infected, and they will be able to treat the patients without fear.


  1. nice sir very informative

  2. Very informative

  3. Very good Topic and useful information👍👍👍

  4. need to make more investment on health care equipments

  5. Very informative


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