The Role of Computer Science to give information about Corona virus

Now a day, we are in trouble because of corona virus and we don’t have much information. Due to lack of information and wrong information about the precautions and suggestions many lives have destroyed in the world wide. For an example , we can see in Italy and America loss of many persons due to lack of information. So the role of computer science is that if we have any chip or any app, then we can easily spread the message which will be important and will follow by the residents of the different country. In these days we can see lots of public are using mobile phones, social media so through the app we can spread the message about what corona virus is and how much harmful for our body, our family, our society and our country. Also computer science techniques will use into Bioinformatics to make a biological equipment to solve this problem. Also Using Machine learning approach we can identify the ratio of the virus day by day, Monthwise or hour wise, how it is rising. If we have statistical data about how the virus is increasing then we can stop the spread of this virus to break the chain of the persons in a community.


  1. It is really informative and enlightening . It is computer era and computer technology is part of everyone's life today. so the Responsibility of Computer Scientist has increased now and they must have ethical sense to provide smooth services to common man.

  2. Good thoughts

  3. The role of Computer Science is indeed vital and very exhaustive.

  4. Quite relevent to present situation. Algorithm plays major role to decode the genome of the virus and it is only possible to use computer technologies.

  5. its relevant information that can play a vital role to overcome from current situation.

  6. Very useful information for us đź‘Śđź‘Śđź‘Śđź‘Ś

  7. Very useful and informative article. .

  8. Very appropriate to the current scenario. Computer science may take over all other domains of technology in coming future.

  9. Information and communication play a very important role in today's world.

  10. shows the scope of computer science in the difficult times also

  11. Very relevant topic in this pandemic situation.Web data mining ,AI & machine learning are certain techniques which can help to find out the pattern & the solution from this pandemic crisis

  12. Relevant information for this penademic situation..

  13. Appropriate and informative article

  14. Very useful and informative article

  15. Computer science is now the integral part of everyone's life....It managed to reduce the human effort by optimizing the information s..

  16. Very useful and relevant article

  17. Relevant for all of us


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