Feel good, live well, stay safe

Feel good, live well, stay safe

Now a day, each human should be suffered from dialectic mentality, one side raising the coronavirus and another side terrifying from COVID-19 disease. COVID-19 disease is a respiratory infection disease spreading through breath droplet of mouth or nose when sicker coughs or exhales. These droplets can inhaled in to the human lungs, when a person touching an object or surface infected with this virus then touching their own mouth; nose etc. That’s transmition has rapidly increased from single level (first report- Wuhan, China on 31 December 2019) to global level ( WHO report -  1,32,536 confirmed cases  & 4,947 deaths in 123 countries till 13 march 2020). To stop the spreading of COVID-, human behavior can play a very important role. Therefore everyone would be feel the instinctive physical value along with moral attitude in daily life-style and applied as below-
  • ·          Regularly & carefully clean your hands with an alcohol based sanitizer or wash your hands with soap & water.
  • ·         To keep kerchiefs or tissue paper on mouth or nose during coughs or exhales.
  • ·         Do not touch eyes, nose & mouth.
  • ·         To social distancing (at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between two people).
  • ·         Avoid visiting public place- especially if you are an elderly person or suffering from diabetes, heart or lung disease.
  • ·          To ignore the outing in crowded place like mall, market, picture hall etc.
  • ·         To encourage  the child for indoor game like ludoo, saap-siri, shatranj, matching picture or alphabet, making word, atlas etc.
  • ·         To live with positive view.
  • ·         To follow the precaution without any confusion.
  • ·         Attaining the wok with presence of mind.



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