In the ever changing and ever growing field of education a teachers’ professional development is significantly important. Professional growth/development is both a necessity and opportunity for teachers at each and every level and in every subject. Reflective practices by the teacher plays a fundamental role in this regard.. It is important that teachers raise questions about their practices to develop and to enhance learner performance. Reflective practice is the skill to go back on an action so as to engage in a path of never-ending learning. An underlying principle behind the reflective practice is that knowledge and understanding is not only the basis of learning; conscious reflection on experience is indispensable.
Reflection, “… just means thinking about something.” It is a precise and crafted practice that carries very explicit meaning and associated action. Reflective teaching, at a very common level involves ‘thinking about one’s teaching’. It is a practice where teachers reflect over their teaching practices, analyze how something was taught and how the practice might be enhanced or changed for improved learning outcomes. Reflective teaching is a beneficial practice in teacher professional development, both for pre-service and in-service teachers. The foremost and most significant basis for professional growth is simply the teachers’ personal reflection on classroom events on a daily basis.
Strategies to practice reflections--
Various research findings on reflective practices have helped to identify different strategies that can be practised in the pre-service training programme. Gathering information concerning what happens in the class followed by critical analysis of the information is the first step in the process of reflection. Here are some strategies to practice reflections--
1. Reflective journal /diary
The simplest way to begin a process of reflection is writing a reflective journal/diary since it is purely personal. Pupil teachers come across several issues in classroom settings. They can write in a notebook about what happened in each class. They can describe about  their own reactions and feelings and all those that  happened during every sessions. Diary writing does need a clear-cut control in taking the time to do it on a regular basis.
2. Peer Observation
One of the most essential technique that student teachers employ in classrooms is peer observation. The pupil teacher invites a peer member to observe his/her class to collect information. It can be done through simple observation task or through note taking. The pupil teacher can ask their peer members to focus which students contribute the most in the lesson, what different patterns of interaction occur and his/her performance. Mutual observations of classes are very fruitful. It is a is a good way for professional development.

3. Recording Lessons
Video or audio recordings of lessons can afford very constructive information for reflection. By viewing their own or other peer members’ audio and video recordings, pupil teachers can develop their understanding of teaching. A teacher does many things in class but may not be conscious of many things happening in the class. A classroom video can vividly depict the entire course of teaching. It can elicit teachers’ reflective thinking, reflect on their strengths and weaknesses and help them get some encouragement and ideas for improvement of  their teaching.
4. Collaborative learning
The importance of continual exchange of ideas with peers about teaching cannot be ignored. Collaboration with peers helps the student teachers to be productively reflective and enough confident in their professional development. They can verify, describe their experiences and, reframe or broaden their own theories of practice by  discussing their experiences with each other.

5. Teacher Educator’s Feedback
The teacher educator’s feedback can help the student teacher to reflect upon their lesson or any activity conducted in the institution.

6. Student Feedback
The pupil teacher can ask their students about what goes on in the classroom. Their opinions and perceptions can add a changed and vital viewpoint ,which can be done with  simple questionnaires.

7. Action Research
Action research is also a kind of reflective practice.  It helps pupil teachers to become aware of what’s happening in the classroom by identifying common problems and hypothesising about the probable causes and solutions and attempting to apply an action plan.

     Reflective practice is a cyclic process. A teacher should reflect on the experiences or activities one is doing for his/her development. Teachers can deal with the needs and different issues of the learners and demand of time if they reflect on their daily teaching-learning activities for their professional growth. Reflection is a flashback that the teachers need to act as a go-between for their progress.


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