Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is one of the simplest methods by which rainwater is collected and stored for future generations. The collected rainwater may be utilised in different ways like cleaning, washing and many more other way or can be directly used for recharging of underground water tables. In the present scenario it is the primary requirement to harvest rain water otherwise we will be without water very soon. As the planning commission mentioned Delhi will be water-less by the end of 2020, if we do not manage our water resources. With the depleting groundwater tables and change of climate pattern, rain water harvesting can go a long way to help mitigate these effects.
Collecting the rainwater can help recharge underground water tables, reduce flooding and ensure the water availability in dry zones. Some of the rainwater harvesting methods which have been practiced in ancient India like  aharpynesmadakassurangastaankas etc.
If we follow any of the method in our homes, schools, colleges, parks, offices and in societies or apartment, we can recharge and improve underground water tables in local areas.
Bitter Truth about Water:
·          In India no city which is getting 24 hours drinking water supply. 
·          In many habitation waters is no more fit for drinking as it contains fluoride, arsenic and nitrate in drinking water are posing a serious health issue.
·          Unauthorized wells/borings declining of water tables.
·          Conventional Irrigation system require more water resulting into declining of water tables.
·          Recurring floods in many parts of the country.
·          Most of the rivers are not even fit for bathing.
·          Untreated or partially treated sewage and industrial contaminated water is being dumped into river.


  1. Thanks for sharing this great info on rain water harvesting; your content is self-explanatory, visit to get more details on rainwater harvesting system installation.


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