The true teacher is he who can immediately come down to the level of the student, transfer his soul to the student’s soul and see through and understand through his mind. Such a teacher can really teach and none else”- Swami Vivekanand.

Teachers are said to be the nation builders, they are the one who moulds and shape the personality of students. The role of teacher in an educational system, and in nation building is of great importance. The quality of teachers largely depends upon their personal insight and the quality of their professional preparation. Teachers should impart knowledge and skills to their students with a vision to help children "learn how to learn."

It is said that teaching as a profession is the base for other professions. Teachers play a unique role of preparing students to become the worthy members of all professions of the world. They shoulder responsibility and opportunity to mould future generations. Therefore, teachers need to acquire “knowledge"," skills “and “competence“;in order to excel in their profession         

To meet the challenges of the 21st century, continuous professional development of working teachers at school and higher education levels is needed. Following points reflect the need for professional Growth in the life of a Teacher:

  • Helps the teacher to keep in touch with the advancements in the field.

  • To improve the quality of their teaching and become effective and efficient teachers.

  • Stimulates the teachers to discover new facts through research.

  • Builds up pride and dignity in their work.

  • Helps to raise the standard of education.

  • Facilitates not only the growth of the teacher, but also, the organization and students.

How to Develop Professionally?

  • Avail the In-Service training Programmes
  • Participate in the Programmes and discussions of Professional teacher organizations.

  • Take up advanced studies in their subject of specialization.

  • Attend seminars, workshops, conferences that are related to the subject or even to teaching.

  • Use of ICT and other multi-media resources

Professionalization of Teachers in Education

Professionalism is not the job you do, but, it's how you do the job

 Professionalism is the ability to reach to the students in a meaningful way to inculcate knowledge and values, developing innovative approaches while motivating, engaging, and inspiring young minds to prepare for ever-advancing technology. Teachers are charged with an important job as it is their responsibility to educate the youth and prepare them for successful and productive future. With this important job comes an obligation and accountability to maintain the professional integrity of the Teaching Profession. Following points reflect the ways by which teachers can practice Professionalism:

Conduct: A teacher is a role model for students. A teacher must model proper manners, dress as per profession, behavior and ethics all times.

Being truthful: A teacher should be truthful, trustworthy and committed toward it profession, students and society.

Commitment to Quality: A teacher should always be committed towards improving the Quality of teaching. Before going to class, she must research and plan each lesson fully to give their best to the students.

Commitment to Learning: Commitment to learning is reflected by the continuous up gradation of knowledge as a teacher's education does not stop with his/her degree. S/ He must continuously be aware of best practices in his field, including new innovative teaching methods, materials and technology in this field.

Commitment to Students: Being Empathetic is the most important quality of a teacher. A teacher should always be committed towards the progress and development of its students. This development may be academically, personally or emotionally. She should always lend a ear to listen and respect to students' problems, questions, and concerns.

Positive Attitude: A positive attitude is must for a teacher. If a teacher is positive, automatically she can encourage the students to be positive. Even though teachers are often over burdened, overworked and under-paid, but this negativity should not over power the love and affection needed for this job.

Reflective thinking
Being reflective in life is must for teachers. An attitude of continuous evaluation of teaching and deeds makes a teacher more competent, motivated and successful. 

Needs of the Hour
Need of the hour is to make teachers the creators of knowledge and thinking professionals. Teacher professionalism consists of three essential characteristics, namely, competence, performance, and conduct. These characteristics should reflect the educator’s goals, abilities, and standards, and directly impact the effectiveness of teaching through the development of these qualities.
Due emphasis should be given to develop more reflective teachers with positive attitudes, values and perspective, along with skills of teaching. Hence in the current scenario there is a need for creating teachers who can ensure quality educa


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