Labour is defined as an act performed by an individual for wage and is directly engaged in the production of surplus value of country. Labour law is also known as employment law that is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which addresses the legal rights of as well as restrictions on, working people and their organizations. As such, it intervenes in many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers and employees. In other words, Labour law explains the rights and duties of workers, union members and employers in the workplace of any factory or organisation. Generally, labour law is consist of industrial relations of employees and employers, and of unions, it also deals with relations between labour and management, it also includes a procedure for collective bargaining and unfair labour practices; health and safety related to workplace; standards of employment, including general holidays during employment, per day working hours, unfair dismissals of workers, minimum wage, procedures of layoff and annual leave, etc. There are two main categories of labour law. One is collective labour law, which is related to the relationship between employee, employer and union and second is individual labour law that concerns with employees' rights at work and through the contract for work.
Employers' expenses could increase due to worker’s demand to win higher wages, or by laws imposing costly requirements, such as health and safety of workers at workplace or equal opportunities for both genders. Workers' organizations, such as trade unions, can also go further their limits on industrial disputes, and gain political power which mostly opposed by employers. The position of labour law is therefore both the result of, and an essential element of, struggles between different interests in society. There is a struggle between workers for demanding some share in the profits arising out of the industry and employers on the other hand hesitate to give away a part of it. Labour laws are meant to provide benefits to workers what they truly deserve. It focuses on improving working conditions of workers at their work place. We should not forget their contribution in the country’s development. It does not matter at what level they are working for the country. They are prime contributors in the growth of economy of country and we should appreciate these laws which help them to have their equal right of living healthy and safe.


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