India’s electric vehicle: Challenges and opportunities

If you are living in an Indian city, take a look around. See these polluters, oil drinkers, two wheelers, cars and SUVs and listen to the terrible noise pollution of these vehicles. People ride these oil alone in big SUVs most of the time. What does a diesel SUV need? When you ride alone or with another person 95% of the time. What does a diesel SUV need?  When you ride alone or with another person 95% of the time.

This is 2020, and why don't we see more electric vehicles in our cities that can help us keep the air of our cities clear? There are many reasons for this - lack of awareness, lack of options in the market, battery concerns, lack of charging infrastructure, etc. But there is another big reason that is not often discussed and those are the corporate, especially the manufacturers of internal combustion engine vehicles, have blocked the growth of our nascent Indian electric vehicle industry. In this episode of Plugin India Chintan, let's talk about the real elephant in the room, ie Indian corporate and their reluctance to change.
For the past year or so, we have seen a lot of news on traditional internal combustion engine based auto manufacturers, auto magazines websites and electric vehicles Many of these traditional vehicle manufacturers only talk about concept or product testing, none of them have any action plan or strong commitment to make cheap electric vehicles for the Indian market.
These Propaganda News pieces are meant to create PRs for their brands, which elevate these internal combustion engine focused auto magazines and websites, and in turn generate ideas and thus money for these companies .And electric vehicles are serious disruptions for these businesses.
If you have seen our video released last month - Electric Vehicles in China - Interaction with Indian entrepreneur, you may have seen, the person we interviewed is from outside China, told us that Chinese ICE manufacturer, EV, as an opportunity While Indian manufacturers see EV as a threat. Excuses and delays by ICE vehicle manufacturers

Many of these manufacturers offer a variety of excuses -
They say that there is no basic infrastructure for charging, once the infrastructure is in place we will launch EV. But you all understand this, almost all electric vehicles, especially for personal use, are charged at home at night. So every morning you have a fully charged vehicle available very well. And two wheelers do not suffer from lack of charging infrastructure because you take out their batteries and charge them in the house.
As we said earlier, all these are only excuses for these ICE based corporate who want to delay the EV movement. Another excuse given by these manufacturers is - "Government is not doing anything for EV, so see when the government is serious."These types of statements are completely untrue, what the government has not done in the last 5 years to give momentum to EVs. Our government has set targets to pursue the 'electric' momentum, giving subsidies, charging standards, setting policies, making proof of concept projects.


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