Impact of Technology in Today’s Life

Technology, the word is derived from two words - "technique" and suffix "logy", it is the study of techniques and skills combined together as to provide the most efficient, time saving and accepted manner of any branch's work/construction/project. Technology is basically the practical application of the known "skills" & "techniques" which acts as an input and consequently returning the profitable & potent output, enough to meet the growing desires of developing mankind.It involves many branches and could cover vast ranges of development, it can be applied to the fields of -
1) General Living (such as residential, infrastructures, travelling, etc.)
2) Health
3) Entertainment
4) Information & Data Procession
5) Security
6) Communication
7) Intelligence
As listed above, technology is promoting an outstanding work in various fields, for example:we have huge infrastructures for the residency of growing human population.The invention of 'wheel' has been proved enormously applicable for the purpose of travel. No need to walk long miles to reach the destination. The distance between the caring ones is reduced to just a few hours drive.
Along with these amazing applications, technology is also playing a major role in saving lives. It really opens new hopes for the treatment and cure of infected individuals. Having oxygen providing ventilators, vaccines and intravenous injections, these applications of science & technology is saving millions of lives each year.
The making of televisions, radios & printing (press) has flipped the world of laggy knowledge, and commenced the start of "Age Of Enlightenment", which provide ways for circulation of useful informations accompanied by entertainment. Nowadays, "Virtual Reality" (VR) is one of the most accepted and used way of entertainment among the young generation.
Indeed, probably the most influencing - the invention of Computers has revolutionized the whole mankind. The development of integrated silicon chips has shrunken the world. The calculation of so long arithmetic, calculus, every math problem is compressed to fraction of minutes! The process of millions of commands can be executed in just a second by these powerful chips!
As for such applications, there arose a need to secure those crucial data. Technology got it too - development of biometric recognization ensured the restriction of data steal. Fingerprint sensors, face recognition, etc. are some of the aspects of technological security.
In the world full of technologies, now there's almost no place for transferring messages and what we feel to the destined location through post or mails. Now, the prevailing aspect is - "Email" that is electronic mail, could be sent to anywhere in the world within seconds! Instant messaging is also a significant platform for sharing what we feel, what we want to convey, hardly within a second!
Development of Artificial Intelligence has initiated the new era of technology, intelligence which is man-made is doing an enormously effective works in many sectors such as - mining, industries, factories, defence, etc.
Accompanied with all of these benefits, technology (like everything) also have some negative influences. Technology is mainly the development of mankind and in this process, human is ignoring the dreadful impact of technology on environment and atmosphere which is leading to its destruction. The releasement of radio waves severely affect birds and other aerial fauna. For the construction of large infrastructures - we're cutting down large forests and destroying the natural habitats of countless animals. Depletion of ozone layer is one of the worst consequences of technological advancements (in refrigeration).
Hence, there's a serious need of controlling these adverse affects, the "ideal" technology comprises the idea of advancements without compromising the beauty of nature.


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