The Impact of Female Security Mobile Apps After the Nirbhaya Case

In our country, even though it has become one of the superpowers and economically develop, the crime against women has not reduced. The number cannot be expressed as some are reported and many are not. After the heinous crime case of NIRBHAYA, many rules, actions, reforms, etc were taken to provide more evident female security structure. In this respect many mobile applications were also introduced like VithU, Life 360 Family Locator, Nirbhaya: Be Fearless App, Sentinel and many more. These apps provide services like sharing location, Instant calling to chosen people, triggering an alarm, etc.
Digital Technologies have a very significant contribution in the form of their influence on women security. With s cell phone in hand a female is one click away to connect with dear ones/police, etc. But this is a matter of concern that whether these upcoming technologies can curb these crimes which are increasing on an alarming rate. On the other hand, we have to see that how much public is aware regarding these applications.Government, NGOs and other organizations should work upon public awareness and give them knowledge of the impact and utility of these mobile applications after the Nirbhaya case particularly.
Digital Innovations and Technologies have become a very vital part of our lives but in typical Indian societies there are variations in the level of responsiveness and acceptance of people for these technologies keeping female security in their minds which is interlinked with the Digital Gender Divide.
According to Plan International,
“The digital divide, or technology gap, is the difference between groups with access to technology and the internet and those without.
Girls and women often have less access to technology and the internet compared to boys and men. Particularly in developing countries, girls and women struggle to afford technology and internet access. In addition, stereotypes around technology being ‘for boys’ and fear of being discriminated against stop girls from using digital tools.”
Media has a significant impact on how social and cultural norms relating to women. At the same time, women’s image and the role that women play in the media are heavily influenced by existing social and cultural norms. Therefore, it is very important that media should make programmes or campaigns based on gender sensitization which can target to large masses.
Moreover, developing a mobile application is not a tough task but app in this respective issue raise various challenges which are listed below: -
a) Availability of Device
b) Compatibility with the system
c) Internet Connection
d) Public Awareness
e) Performance of Application
f) Authenticity of the Application
Overcoming the above challenges and running these types of technologies successfully is a cumulative effort of the government, organizations and the society. Then only it can be a boon to this burning problem.


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