Climate Change: An Impact a world over

In this age of round the clock news updates and digital media at the hands of every interested or uninterested consumer of information, any event occurring in any part of the globe has a far reaching audience.
Hence the events of atmospheric or climatic nature, over the past century and current are known to the population of each and every country. And hence we, directly or indirectly witness, what the wrath of a Tornado, Hurricanes or storms or incessant rainfalls in part of the world causing massive flooding, brings to us. These events have a far reaching impacts, and affects us in many ways, as in, impacts our daily mobility, causes a great loss of property, infrastructure and lives.
Over a length of time, scientists, environmentalists and knowledge experts in the area of climate, atmospheric behavior patterns, and environments have often attributed these intense atmospheric events to a changing pattern of our climate. Our climate, i.e., changing patterns of air, climate on planet Earth, often referenced with the term 'Global Warming'.
Modernization, the globe over has certainly advanced human abilities to an unimaginable length, however many may argue, there is a downside, which is what we are witnessing as a global warming. Deforestation, divergence of rivers and tributaries, forest fires, over-fishing, invasion of plastic all over the world, not just land but oceans (e.g., Great Pacific Garbage), loss of habitation of wild life, plants and animals species, including aquatic life, going extinct are some of the very serious reasons why Global Warming, and thereby causing Climate Change, presents a great risk to all of us alike.
Our awareness, our collective responsibility and action on the ground will still be a great effort to reverse the impacts of Climate Change on our planet to some extent and our planet will do the rest. As many say the world over, there is not much time and we only have to rise from our slumber and assume responsibility to put every effort to keep our planet Earth safe, clean and pristine, not just for us but for all our future generations to come.


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