Basic Cause of Failure

In our life, we see the successful and unsuccessful people. When the supreme authority God has given us equal power to achieve our targets then what is the reason that some people triumph in the life while others are not. By going into the deep and try to find out the reason of this basic problem we will encounter the very basic thing which is the reason of the failure.
If we will introspect ourselves then we will find that there is one thing between the target and the result, i.e. hard work. Most of the people waste their 80% of time in vain and put only 20% of the efforts to achieve the desired result hence they do not get the desired result. We only get the result of what 20% efforts we have put into the specific target. That is why we not get the result as expected.
A successful person do not waste his time in such type of things however, he focuses all the time on his target and puts most of his effort to get the desired success and he actually achieves the result.
Unsuccessful people complain of not getting the desired result but they do not focus on the main cause of their failure. In reality they waste 80% of their time in unimportant activities such as arguing, gossiping, fighting etc. Now a days especially children are wasting most of their precious time in using Mobile phones and social networking activities. Time management and focus on the goal are the most important things for the students but unfortunately due to advancement of technology children are addicted to the negative side of the technology.
 I am not saying one should not go for party and other social activities but if you decide some specific target then you have to spend less time in these entire things and focus more on your target.
If a person puts his 80% of his time on specified target and spends only 20% for other activities then that person can certainly achieve his target.
Here I want to add few things which are also very important regarding the achieving the desired results which are as follows:
ü  First of all decide (fix) your target
ü  You should have great passion to achieve your target
ü  Put 80% of your time/energy to achieve your target
If a person follows these techniques then certainly he/she will achieve the target whether it is a small or big. One of the major points which we can see is that most of the people not able to fix their target and hence they are going to the path unknowingly and not able to achieve the extraordinary success.
One can practice half an hour meditation to collect one’s energy which can be helpful to decide one’s goals and also helpful to provide inner peace. We are captured through a lot of thoughts and feel uneasiness inside, that’s why we are seeking external things to suppress the uneasiness of the inner world. If we practice half an hour meditation it will be helpful to overcome these issue.


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