Be the Change

India known as land of diverse cultures, languages, ideology, rituals and so many different attributes, is facing problems due to diversity of human perceptions. It is the country where we celebrate the diversity, we respect the differences and we live with them. Respecting other’s differences is what we have in our culture and yes, we are known for this in the whole world. We are known for assimilating everyone irrespective of every minutest and every major difference. But today we are also getting recognized with the diversity of ideology that all of us have for crimes and unacceptable activities. Some of us are trying to politicize the crime, some are trying to mould it in terms of religion, in the name of community and so many factors which take us miles away from the actual state of crime.
Everyone on this planet perceives the situation in his own way, which is completely acceptable because we all are different, we all have different thinking style and ofcourse different mindset. This diverse perception never becomes a problem; but the actual problem arises when we think that our perception is the only truth in this world. When we start believing that there is nothing beyond our thoughts, we become problem in and for ourselves. We often believe in changing others without even trying to bring a single change in ourselves. Everyone in this society is preaching one and the other about the morality and societal duties in accordance with his own thought process. Everyone is very good member of the society in his own ways who needs no changes and improvements. But yes, every second person is very bad according to everyone because the second person has different ideology than first member of the society. If anyone is truly interested in changing the space around him, he has to realize that change will begin from him only. If he changes, he can change and move the whole world because Gandhiji said

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”


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