Are You Great???

Everyone aspires to be greater than what they are. Whatever they might think is greater, they try to do that. It is the basic human aspiration. Whether you try to be a great student, a great teacher, a great musician, a great businessman, a great professional, a great politician, a great artist or a great addict; you are essentially trying to be better at something that you think makes you greater. But have we ever tried to be a Great Human?
Now don't already start judging yourself. There were sometimes that you did something that a great human being would have done. Humans among us have been doing so many great things. Still we think we can't do that – they were better. The reason for these thoughts – Fear. We are scared. Now if a genie blesses you that you can do and be whatever that you want to be, then would you want to be a great Human being?
I would request you to write three things that you think make a human being wonderful. Not great, but wonderful. I used the word great to grab your attention. Don't think about what is possible and not possible. And do not let anybody tell you what is great or wonderful. You decide what is the highest possibility for a human being and do that. Because if you don't do what you want, it is a wasted life.
Every night before you sleep, live in your mind like a truly wonderful human being. The things that you will do tomorrow, do in your mind before you sleep. But like a truly wonderful human being. Make it a reality in your life.
Because the best you can do is try to be the best you can be. Then you will realize that you can do even better.


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