Today, when I think about water, it reminds me the poem, “The Rime of Ancient Mariner” which I read in my school days written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1797-98.  In the poem a ship passed the line was driven by storms to the country towards South Pole and then drove to Great Pacific Ocean where the passenger didn’t have any drop of water to drink.  The poet explained the situation with the help of following lines:  
Water, water everywhere,
And all the boards did shrink,
Water, water everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink.

It is the situation which we all may be facing in the facing in the future.  To save our future we should start work from today only.  I know it’s already too late because as per a report by NITI Aayog, Delhi and some NCR parts will be water less in the year 2020.  It is really a very big issue on which we all should not only think but should act every now and then. 

There are many people who believe that water is an abundant natural resource which is available at very nominal cost.  They are not even realizing that those days are gone. The situation is more pathetic at metropolitan cities.   Now everyone should stand to save every drop of water.  Now the question arises what the individuals can do to save the water in their daily routine life.  Following are the few tips for the same:
1.       Save the waste water from the RO at your home or workplace and use that for cleaning your home, utensils, etc.
2.       Rather than throwing the left over water in the glasses in the drain, use that for your garden and plants.
3.       Use damp cloth for cleaning your vehicles either two-wheeler/ four-wheeler rather than washing it with free flow water.
4.       Don’t leave the shower on for a long time while taking bath.
5.       Even though, while washing utensils too, don’t leave tap on unnecessarily while you are cleaning them.
6.       While brushing your teeth too, you should close the running water in the tap when not in use.
7.       Use mug while taking bath rather than using shower.

All the above are the tips for saving water from the daily routine life but only saving the water is not sufficient.  I will tell you the reason why?  Just consider the underground water as a big water tank from which you are using the water regularly, then what will happen after a certain period of time?  The water tank will be empty.  To use that water tank regularly without any interruption, what should we do then?  Yes, the answer is to refill the water tank regularly so that it should not get empty.  Now, the question arises, how can we refill the underground water level?  The answer the rain water harvesting and along-with it reaping the waste water in drain too.  We all know that rain water harvesting is very much important but still due to ignorance or due to the concept of “why should me only?” we are not adopting this beautiful option available in the nature.   Some people are also in the opinion that how much it matters if I don’t do but actually every single effort matters for such a big problem. 

it is not the sole responsibility of individual but it should be a combined effort of individuals and the government too.  As now days, we have all the way around pakka roads due to which the rain water is not harvested in the groundwater level.  The time has come, when government should go for the rain water harvesting on roads too, which will add on the water level at ground level.


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