Pattern based text Recognition in Social Media

In these days, lots of male persons have made his ids like female. All the friend list and images have used same like female facebook id. So my point is to how to identify these persons using pattern based text recognition on his comment in the social media. Which type of software or tool need to make and applies in the social media which will help to recognize all these persons and can stop the cyber crime. Lots of persons are engaged in the social media in these days and many time spends on the social media and his /her emotions are involved when HE/She connects with his/her friend list. Using these approach we can stop such type of thing in our society and also stop those boys or girls who are involving unnecessary things using this methods.
Also this is useful for our cyber security team to identify those persons who are involve into divert the persons in the wrong directions. We can also enhance the human value and nature of social media working procedure through this approach.
Todays we have seen a lots of persons are diverting in the ISIS type of terrorist organization which are very harmful for our country, so using these techniques we can identify about those persons automatically and can delete and catch them by the police using this approaches.


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