Gandhi - Disaster of Politics

What are the main aspects of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's personality? Use the most popular idiom in the world of marketing today, so we can say that he was a 'Disaster'? After his incarnation the direction of Indian politics completely changed. Today, more than seven decades have passed for him, but Bapu has become such a legend, which is cemented with every controversy, and prides with every changing time. Not only India, the world's resistance has learned a lesson from them. Recently, the streets of Hong Kong were flooded against Beijing's attitude.
The reason for this was the law of the Chinese government, under which the authority to prosecute the people of Hong Kong was given to the courts present in the Chinese mainland. Despite all the threats and pressures, resistance continued and Mahabali Beijing had to bow down.The seeds of this movement had fallen in 2014.
Then the demand was for independence and people were united against Chinese supremacism. This movement had attracted the attention of the entire world that why the government which has not hesitated to carry out the Thane Anman Chowk massacre is so secure? Professor Chan Qin Man, one of the leading leaders of the movement, responded to this in front of the media. He said- 'We have taken inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi of the 1940s and Martin Luther King of the 1960s.' This is not the only example. An eye-sighting statement
In 1997, the then Indian Prime Minister Inder Gujral went on a trip to three countries. He went to Uganda and South Africa in the early stages. I was also included in his delegation in Uganda. There we had a chance to understand Gandhi's early struggles. Uganda was still ruled by Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. He told us - "As a Christian, I used to follow the eye of the Old Testament instead of the eye, but since I came to know Gandhi, I feel that his path is more right.


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