Paperless Technology – A Solution to Global Warming

In the age of Globalization, competition has paced up tremendously among the marketers. The solution to this is the infrastructural development of the housing facilities, markets or the formation of new companies and offices etc. All this has raised the demand of paper as the documentation and other paper work has also increased which is adversely affecting our environment. To fulfill the demand of paper, the practice of cutting down the trees has been adopted since many years, which is one of the biggest reasons for Global Warming. Though, every coin has two sides, if there is problem then there would be some solutions for it as well and this topic focuses on the quick and easier solution for the problem of Global Warming. Thus, the question arises here is, what is Paperless technique? So there is a simple answer for this question. The Paperless Technique includes a work culture in which the use of paper is minimized by transfer of work digitally as we are living in a digital age. For going digital we need to make use of different applications, devices, software etc. The main advantages of using such technique are cost effectiveness, less time consuming, safety and security, receiving and sending money faster, streamlining various responsibilities, easy accessibility and many more. The document can also be transferred from one country to another in a very short span of time which could be an added advantage of this technique. Going paperless and adopting new ways for it has become a mandate for us in order to live a safe and healthy life which can be done by implemented in new working practices as it makes the workplace and businesses free from constraints of time and place. The eradication of paper credentials affects various business areas its implementation requires the efforts of the entire organization altogether, with top-down measures in particular being necessary.


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