According to different mythology the origin of the world population basically by sin, that sin was committed by Adam and Eve by eating a fruit that was prohibited by Almighty God.
There is no universal acceptance of this theory in Christianity its Adam and Eve, in Islam; it is Adaam and Hwa, in Hinduism its Manu and Shradha.
Once we talk about the old phenomenon of law, there is a common notion that the purpose of the law is to provide punishment. Maybe it is true at the time of origin of law and society but nowadays the position is completely changed.
The prime objective of the law is to provide justice and justice means balancing of interests of the individual of a group. There are various laws that may be civil law, criminal law, intellectual property law, personal laws, property law, social security laws etc. All of these laws exist with a common motto that is protecting the interests of the concerned person.
Now the question arises if a proper legal system has been developed where it will be implemented? As we know for the subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology or Nuclear Science they have their experimental labs but in the scenario of law it’s very difficult or you can say next to impossible to create a four boundaries experimental laboratories that’s why society is the only experimental lab of law to check and decide the legality and lacunas of law.
Suppose new legislation has been passed by lawmakers and President Assent on that Bill it will become law but the litmus test of that law, effects of that law, advantages, and disadvantages of that law will result out in society after the implication of law.
Basically law is a catalyst product to increase the chain reaction of social transformation in the society, that reformation is the need of society. For example the concept of Sati System that was one of the evil that existed in the society but due to the social reforms and passing of Sati Abolition legislation, Lord William Bentic, the Governor-General of British India was passed the famous Regulation of XVII in1829 that made sati illegal and punishable by courts of law.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was hailed as the father of the Indian renaissance. Raja Ram Mohan Roy decided to reform Hindu society from its all irrational observance and evil customs.
The basic two-fold objective of law to maintain peace in the society and Secondly, to persuade social change by changing itself according to the needs of the changing society.


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