Historically, the terms "sex" and "gender" have been used synonymously, but their uses are becoming increasingly distinct, and it is important to understand the differences between the two. These two terms are very much different in several ways. This blog helps the reader to understand the concept of these two terms distinctively.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
"Gender refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women and men, such as norms, roles, and relationships of and between groups of women and men. It varies from society to society and can be changed."
Gender is a socially constructed term to define the roles of men’s and women’s in a given Culture and location. It is different in different societies and cultures as societies and culture also differ. Gender is a term used to denote a wide range of identities of men and women which exist in society due to various relationships to other people and our social interaction. Gendering starts by birth and it is our social identity. For example how a man and a woman talk, behave, wear dress up and so on. The traditional role of women’s is to take care of the household chores, caring of children and elders in the family whereas the traditional role of men’s is to take care of financial needs of the family or can say the breadwinner.
Gender is a socially constructed term to define the roles of men’s and women’s in a given Culture and location. It is different in different societies and cultures as societies and culture also differ. Gender is a term used to denote a wide range of identities of men and women which exist in society due to various relationships to other people and our social interaction. Gendering starts by birth and it is our social identity. For example, how a man and a woman talk, behave, wear dress up and so on.
It is a Biological and physiological concept. It is a biological identification of a male or a female in terms of chromosomes, hormonal profile, sex organs (internal as well as external), genetic makeup, etc. It is our natural identity. For example, Women menstruate while men’s do not, Men’s have testicles whereas women’s have breast.
So we can conclude that although people use term ‘gender’ and ‘sex’ synonymously but both are different from each other in so many aspects. Gender is a wider concept and sex is a narrow.

Dr. Rajnee Gaur
Sr. Assistant Prof.


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