In today’s world a major issue with a human being is how to control the anger.
It is important to check your emotion of anger so you can work together and achieve your full potential in any work.
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” ― Buddha
In the day-to-day life there are many moments which come where you might get angry but if you hold your anger and use it on the right time it will help you to achieve your goal.
There are many techniques to control your anger some of the effective techniques are: -
1.     Think before speak: -
If you are angry and a debate is on between you and the person you are angry with, you must think before saying anything to the person because it might heart the person badly and you might regret after the moment.
2.     Do some exercise: -
It is helpful to do some yoga or any kind of exercise that can relax your mind, take brisk walk or run, or spend some time doing other enjoyable physical activities.
3.     Don’t hold a grudge: -
If you hold a grudge for any one it might get you frustrated and after some time it is converted into anger and you might get into a panic attack.
4.     Identify possible solutions to the problem: -
Focus on the problem to find out what might be the possible solution to your anger or find the reason behind it and remove that to solve the problem.
5.     Talk to you family or friends: -
It might be the best thing to talk out the problem with someone who is close to you like your father or mother or wife etc. because they give you the best advice and that might solve your problem easily.
So here we conclude that life is full of unpredictable events and you might feel angry. So rehabilitate these events according to your situations and that is basically anger management.


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