The main motive of a student after entering into his/her graduation life and spending one or two years is to get a lucrative job, which in many cases materializes once they get into their pre-final year or final year. A job for anyone is very important in which the person gets financially strong and can manage his/her own things.
Sadly speaking, the scenario of jobs in India is getting worse day by day. Sometimes, it feels that the students do not get the basic guidance of jobs and the type of career they want to pursue from their parents and school. It needs a major counseling so that the situation gets improved. As per the reports from UN, India has one of the highest job market grades and it should get high employability standards in the middle 2020s.
If we talk about technical education, some departments are getting a premature end, which should not be the case. This is happening because of two reasons, one is the lack of awareness in the students and their mentees and secondly the lack of scope of job in the country. Once our country will have all types of industries, the employability index, job satisfaction factor and job sustainability factor will go high and there will be no job deficiency.
It is something that the common people of India should pay attention, and those having knowledge on it should work on it so that we can see a better tomorrow.


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