Wi-Fi progressive network

Getting Connected

As the interest for the web consistently develops, so does the requirement for broadband access. So fast is this development, the fiber and copper organize foundations can't keep up fast, particularly in thickly populated urban areas. Routing a dedicated leased line to each and every internet user is neither practical nor economically feasible, resulting in a bandwidth bottleneck at access points. Now, a recent development in the wireless telecommunications industry is providing technology by allowing flexible high-capacity network expansion into potentially every corner of the globe. This improvement is 802.11 without wire systems, all the more prominently known as Wireless Fidelity, also known as "Wi-Fi."

The Wi-Fi Solution
The Wi-Fi Solution Wi-Fi technology now allows for a new type of network architecture that can be deployed and expanded dynamically, as customer demand increases, for relatively little cost. As opposed to endeavoring to broaden a rented line arrange into thickly populated or developing territories, clients can be interconnected in a "dynamic" organize, as appeared in figure 1. A single low-cost Wi-Fi base station (chip and transceiver), connected to a high speed internet line, can provide high-speed connectivity to multiple users within the surrounding vicinity. This coverage area is often called a “hot spot.” Anyone inside this hot spot with an inexpensive Wi-Fi device on his/her PC or PDA is then always connected to the web by means of the Wi-Fi base station without requiring a different devoted line. Moreover, Wi-Fi operates in a license free part of the spectrum, eliminating the recurring fees associated with most other transmission types. As interest develops, extra base stations can be added to expand coverage area. In this way, service providers can increase their customer without large upfront investments in infrastructure.


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