Ubiquitous computing
​ (or "ubicomp") is a notion in computer science where ​computing​ is made to appear at all the places and  at any time as required  In comparison to traditional ​computing​,​ubiquitous computing​ can use any device, in any format and in any location. It is the latest trend in the field of  embedding microprocessors , enabling them to communicate information. It is also known as ​pervasive computing ,
A definitive objective of Ubiquitous Environment is to make life less complex and more intelligent There are significant advancements in regulatory measures related to ubiquitous computing. The wearable technologies like Smart watches, Smart Heart Rate monitors, google glass etc. are getting wide popularity in the market. The future is bright and the pros outweigh the cons. The pervasive computing is digging in for the long haul, develop and advance after some time.

Ubiquitous computing alludes to installing PCs and correspondence in our condition. Inescapable registering gives an alluringvision to the fate of computing. The thought behind the pervasive computing is to make the registering power vanish in the condition, yet will dependably be there at whatever point required or at the end of the day it implies accessibility and imperceptibility. These undetectable PCs won't have consoles or screens, yet will watch us, hear us out and interface with us.
 Ubiquitous computing  influences the PC to work in the untidy and unstructured universe of genuine individuals and genuine articles. Appropriated gadgets in this condition must be able to powerfully find and coordinate different gadgets. The prime objective of this innovation is to make human life increasingly basic, sheltered and effective by utilizing the encompassing knowledge of PCs . Clearly, future is bright for ubiquitous computing and the pros outweigh the cons .


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