Privatization of Education and its Impact on Society

Privatizations of education in the 21st century became Paramount keeping in sense the enormous population and their outstretch& thrust for education. The effect of globalization, liberalization and internationalization can be seen in the form of privatization in education system. Education Privatization means the commercialization of education. When education becomes commercialized, the proprietors of education institutions consider great profit as the main criteria.
Privatization encourages the individual and society to establish more education Institutions like schools,   senior secondary colleges &private universities to meet out the increasing demand for education. The impact of of Privatization on higher education in India has shown beneficial and negative impacts on education system and society
The prime important task in present framework is to impart   Qualitative education.  Students are the backbone of any nation. They are the nation builder of future and its our duty to carve them as good citizen. we require to  provide them with proper good quality  education so that they can become strong pillar of the  nation and can contribute in proliferation nation of nations’ growth.
Privatization in education has increased the opportunities by increasing the no of admissions. It has, level of quality to great extent however, this is not absolutely true with all private organizations. Mostly Private institutions are symbol for financially strong strata of the society and the financially weak children are bound to go to government schools. As no option left with them. It has created a wide rift &gap between the poor class and the rich class of society. Due to the pathic condition of government college’s policies, and lack of facilities, young talent is not at ready to study in government schools except NVS/KVS and Excellence schools. No doubt   private schools are better than the government school. Due to infrastructure and faculties provided by them. They provide better education and they use the latest technology & Devices to impart
Education like smart classes, flip class etc   . Private school provide better result .A standard of education may be satisfactory. But it has deprived from people the basic needs. Government is inefficient and reluctant to maintain the good standard of administration in education sectors. That's why people are preferring private institutions and also it’s has become the status symbol for people to prove their social status. But due to this the talented poor children are deprived from education. Their parents can’t afford the high fees of these private institutions so either they don’t send their child to get education or they send them to govt schools were facilities and education  level is  not up to the mark.Govt should look into the matter of privatization of education,Govt should implement some new policies to raise the standard of education in  Govt.schools and colleges & should take the responsibility of educating all the sections of the society, with strict rules and regulations, for the betterment of society and development of the nation at large
Finally need to bring change from the rudimentary level.


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