Indian Politics, leading or misleading

India is a big nation with so many beliefs, religions, cultures, etc. Everyone has its mindset and reasoning therefore in our country so many political parties having different agendas and promises survive and flourish. It is very difficult to point out the lie or fake statements of our politicians especially for a lay man or a common man who believes that whatever is being said by our leaders or media is true or correct. Now a day media is also playing their game of making money. Whichever party pays maximum amount, they start publicizing and praising them and our innocent common man trusts and relies on them completely. Currently in our nation, the hot topic is election; I would like to mention few false statements made by our honorable prime minister.
·         Former PM Vajpayee was a passenger on India’s first ever metro   While inaugurating magenta line of delhi metro, PM gave a statement that Former PM Vajpayee was a passenger on India’s first ever metro in 2002  which is absolutely wrong. Infect Kolkata metro was first launched in India and PM Indira Gandhi laid foundation stone in 1972.
·         We started the Direct Benefit Transfer scheme   In a rally, in Karnataka in Oct.2017, PM Modi said, that his government started Direct Benefit Transfer scheme but actually it was launched in union budget of Feb. 2013.
·         Mani Shankar Aiyar’s statement on Mughal dynasty and Congress party distorted   Another misleading statement made by him on the eve of Gujarat election was that he said that Aiyar compared the congress party to the Mughal. He added that congress party admitted that party was the family and the family was the party. But actually Aiyar was drawing a contrast between the dynasticism of the Mughals and the democratic nature of the election within the party for the post of president.


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