The general elections, democracy’s biggest festival is set to roll out this year. Although there has been increase in participation of women in elections but when we talk about political equality, the scenario is entirely different.
India ranks 153 out of 190 countries in terms of percentage representation of women in lower house of parliament which is even below Pakistan. Rwanda stands at the top of the table with 61% representatives as women.

When we talk about equality of sexes, equal and quality representation should be there in political arena which can be brought about by bringing a constitutional amendment in parliament  similar to 74th and 75th CA which provided for 1/3rd reservation of seats at local level. This can be done in harmony and by co-operation from the leading government as well as opposition side. Steps have been recently taken by some regional parties such as BijuJanta Dal in Odisha and Trinamool Congress in West Bengal reserving 33% and 41.5% tickets respectively to women. Trials in West Bengal have shown better results for local level infrastructure development and socialequality with  pradhan as a women. On the similar grounds, steps shall be taken at central level as well through Election Commission to set up a new line of action and set the ball rolling. This can be done by educating and spreading awareness amongst the locals.
Such step will bring reduction in the social stigma prevalent and will encourage women who are willing to enter the political field and contribute in the national talent pool of our country leading from the front.


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