Shaping the Idea into Reality

“Never Dream of Becoming something, if you dream, dream of doing something”  
Narender Modi, prime Minster, India

As rightly said in his speech dream big, and dream of doing something. Once you have an idea, next step is not to rush for preparing an inventory of requirements, but brainstorm for further improving upon the idea and plan a list of activities. Some of the procedural steps which may help in turning your idea into a reality are given below:
Step-1: Settle and Envision
The first step is to go in a relax mood, settle your idea well, and envision the development of the idea.  Think how this idea is going to make a difference in people lives, if you are on a positive node, you can be sure of moving to success
Step-2: Brainstorming
Brainstorming is a method where in you involve other people about this idea, take their opinion. You may like to share it with people close to you. It is best if you are able to convince the closest person, say you Mom. However, if she glazes over when you describe the new venture, you should be sure of going back and work again on you ides. But, if she is excited about it, then you may go ahead with your idea.
Step-3: Take a Risk
Business means risk, often, people who take a risk only succeed. Entrepreneurs should take risk. Do not wait for a perfect time to start, every time is perfect. Just go for it.
Step-4: Test and Try
Successful entrepreneurs take a risk, however successful entrepreneurs mitigate the risk they take. The mitigation may involve developing, testing, and to get the market feedback of the product, and if need be refine the product or the service that the entrepreneur is offering. Risk in many case is the financial risk. So, to begin with, develop some samples of the product you intend to sell or the services you intend to offer, if you are happy with it, then use the cheapest form of market research that you can, reach out to people be it your neighbors, groups, social media etc and ask them to try it out. You should however be read and flexible in accepting the adverse feedback and make necessary adjustment to your product
Once every thing done, and when you are happy with the result, that is the time you should sell your product. Here also you should start with selling in small batches. Start your selling with door-to-door, in business fairs etc. Continue taking feedback about the product and do necessary adjustment for for further improvement or refining in your product or service.
The success in above steps will lead to new problems like such as how to distribute your product to larger market, how to manage cash flow, and whether to raise capital from investors. Here starts your success story.


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